Happy Friday
I have a hair appointment on Saturday at 4pm at a new salon. The great thing about working with over 130 people is to be able to send to the Lounge (catchall email group for ‘general’ non-work related emails) and ask the ladies for their hair dresser referrals. Which is what I did.
My hair is the longest it has ever been but it is getting heavy and lifeless and so it definitely needs a cut. I am thinking to go back up to my shoulders, a bob of some sort. It needs to be long enough in the front to be tied back for baseball and my lazy hair days.
Food has been good this week and although I haven’t worked out at Bootcamp or the gym I have moved a bit in walking the dog and baseball last night. I am trying not to let my depression win out right now and it is a fight daily to get up at 7/730am but I have been doing it.
As for Chaturbate bootcamp, the owner emailed me yesterday about my absence and I told a little fib of why I wasn’t there (said it was work related) and since he hadn’t cashed my cheque yet, is sending it back to me. Normally they don’t give refunds and I actually didn’t ask for one. I guess because I have gone 3 times, they didn’t think I was just trying to get out of it.
Anywho…looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow and waiting for 5pm to come along. Have a good Friday.
Just a Clarification on Logging In
Registering does not give you immediate access to the private posts. I have to know of you, your site or you in person in order to get access. There are some names in my user list I recognize for years (yes, I’ve been at this for years) so they were given immediate access. But some names that are signing up…I’m not sure who you are. If you aren’t given access to the private entries within an hour or two of signing up, I do request you email me with your jasminelive request…let me know who you are :)
Start Holiday
I spent 6 hours cleaning and reorganizing yesterday but didn’t get in the mood until 5pm. I found some extremely old birthday invitations from 1995 from a party I threw for a good friend of mine. I also found shower invites for her first in 1997! I am a huge pack rack!
Today is a stat holiday here in Canada, to mark Queen Victoria’s birthday. I should see some lovely fireworks from my balcony which faces Toronto tonight, I will see what I can do about capturing it on video.
It is currently hard to type…Bruiser is laying on my chest, lounging over my shoulders, lol - he is normally not a big cuddly dog…but he does have his moments ON http://www.jasminlive.mobi. Well please excuse me…I’m going to continue to be lazy, this coming week for work is gonna be pretty hectic, another timeline don’t you know :)
Awaiting the Good Weather
As the nicer weather comes and with the huge balcony I have, I am contemplating buying some outdoor furniture. I don’t really get the direct sun so I should be able to even bring the laptop out there and enjoy the fresh air and actually see it, unlike my old condo where the laptop screen would be black.
This weekend though I hope is not an indication of weather to come…brrr….cold!
P.S. Got my first pedi of the season…pictures to come, deep, deep blue with flowers on the big toes. Love ‘em!
SBC Day 3 - No Show Day 2
I think I made a big mistake signing up for a 6am class. I HATE early morning rises with a passion. I will keep trying though and I even bought a skipping rope for tomorrow’s class as requested by the trainer on the first day. I am tempted to write the owner of SBC for Brampton/Mississauga to see if I can join an evening class…but I need to buck it up and just go!
My food choices have been very good with no cravings or want of my latest fatty foods (chips & dip and chocolate covered raisins). But today…I want chips & dip!! I have to try and stay strong as it is not a small personal size bag I want…but the big bag…the WHOLE bag!
The scale has been gradually coming down from my high of 167.0lbs on Monday (thank goodness!). I saw 163.5lbs this morning and thanked the stars that I had only really gained 13lbs since last bootcamp, not 17 (too close to 20 for my liking, lol). Obviously I would love to have it show no weight gain, but my clothes don’t lie.
Wish me luck for tomorrow…
No Show
I just couldn’t get out of bed this morning :( I tried but couldn’t and therefore reset the alarm for 730am where I slept wonderfully with Bruiser. I will NOT do this again. And I may make up for the missed workout tonight at the gym (depends on when I get home from my father’s) or on the weekend. I feel bad that I missed but my body was just not co-operating this morning.
The scale was 2lbs lower this morning which was nice to see even if not a real loss, lol.
Last night Bruiser had a vet appointment and I took a photo of him and sent it to Jeff with the caption “isn’t he cute?”. Jeff called the house and left me a wacky message that had me howling. He was flirting on the phone and then had this laugh at the end of one of his statements which was hilarious. He is definitely more carefree now that he and A are home. He’s been pretty attentive too since he’s been home which is nice especially with dinner this past weekend and then the phone call last night. We are cleaning his rental Saturday and then going to dinner.
Anyways…I am in better spirits and although a bit peeved at myself that I missed bootcamp, I can deal - as long as I assure myself that was the first and last one I will miss.
Note to self: need skipping rope for tomorrow’s bootcamp.